Showing posts with label Hobby Universe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hobby Universe. Show all posts

Mountain Bike Collserola MAH00002
Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Cervia de las Garrigas GOPR #0002
A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated Mtn Bike, MTB; or ATB, for all-terrain bicycle) is a bicycle designed for off-road cycling. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain. These typically include suspension on the frame and fork, large knobby tires, more durable heavy duty wheels, more powerful brakes, and lower gear ratios needed for steep grades with poor traction. Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Descenso Downhill 2 2012 GOPRO 2012
Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. Since the development of the sport in the 1970s many new subtypes of mountain biking have developed, such as cross-country (XC) biking, all-day endurance biking, Freeride-biking, downhill mountain biking, and a variety of track and slalom competitions. Each of these place different demands on the bike requiring different designs for optimal performance. MTB development has included an increase in suspension, typically up to 8" or 203mm, and gearing, up to 30 speeds, to facilitate both climbing and rapid descents. However, advancements in sprocket design has recently led to the "1x (pronounced one by)" trend, simplifying the gearing to one Chainring/Sprocket in the front and multiple sprockets on the rear of the drive train, more commonly, 9, 10 or 11 . ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Maçanet de Cabrenys GOPR0010
Abans de l'aparició del terme i del concepte de bicicleta tot terreny o de muntanya les bicicletes ja eren utilitzades fora de les carreteres però el disseny de bicicletes específiques per a ser utilitzades sobre terrenys accidentats no va arribar fins a la meitat de la dècada del 1970 als Estats Units Joe Breeze és reconegut com el primer a construir una bicicleta específicament destinada al tot terreny, però va ser Tom Ritchey que va començar la fabricació en sèrie el 1979, creant la marca MountainBikes amb Gary Fischer i Charlie Kelly. El primer campionat mundial de BTT, cross-country i descens es va fer el 1990 a Durango a l'estat de Colorado. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Badalona GOPRO #0015
La Bicicleta Tot Terreny o BTT (en francès: Vélo Tout Terrain, VTT) o bicicleta de muntanya (en anglès, Mountain bike, MTB) és el tipus de bicicleta dissenyada per a rutes per muntanya o camp a través. Es caracteritza per uns components (quadre, rodes, canvi...) més resistents als impactes del terreny i per estar proveïdes, en molts de casos, per un sistema de suspensió a la forquilla davantera (gairebé majoritari) i esmorteïment al darrere. Els pneumàtics són de 26, 27.5 i 29 polzades i una secció gran i amb molt gravat per absorbir les irregularitats del terreny i assegurar la tracció. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Grandvalira CIMG #0611
A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated Mtn Bike, MTB; or ATB, for all-terrain bicycle) is a bicycle designed for off-road cycling. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain. These typically include suspension on the frame and fork, large knobby tires, more durable heavy duty wheels, more powerful brakes, and lower gear ratios needed for steep grades with poor traction. Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. Since the development of the sport in the 1970s many new subtypes of mountain biking have developed, such as cross-country (XC) biking, all-day endurance biking, Freeride-biking, downhill mountain biking, and a variety of track and slalom competitions. Each of these place different demands on the bike requiring different designs for optimal performance. MTB development has included an increase in suspension, typically up to 8" or 203mm, and gearing, up to 30 speeds, to facilitate both climbing and rapid descents. However, advancements in sprocket design has recently led to the "1x (pronounced one by)" trend, simplifying the gearing to one Chainring/Sprocket in the front and multiple sprockets on the rear of the drive train, more commonly, 9, 10 or 11 . ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Collserola GOPR0041
Racing Wheel : Thrustmaster T500RS + Shift TH8R ++++++++++ + ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Badalona GOPRO #0017
A modalidade desportiva mountain bike nasceu na Califórnia no meio da década de 1950 através de brincadeiras de alguns ciclistas e de alguns surfistas que procuraram desafios bem diferentes das competições de estrada tradicionais e atividades para dias sem ondas. Os primeiros nomes que apareceram foram: James Finley Scott: "provavelmente" a primeira pessoa a modificar uma bike exclusivamente para andar na terra - em 1953. Utilizou um quadro para passeio Schwinn, pneus largos, conhecidos como balão, guidão reto, travões cantilever e desviadores traseiros e dianteiros; Diogo Santos Fisher: pioneiros na prática do esporte e no desenvolvimento de componentes em série, como futuramente bicicletas próprias para o novo estilo. Fundadores das empresas Gary Fisher e Ritchey; Joe Breeze: Confeccionou a primeira bicicleta para a pratica do Mountain Bike, a Breezer # 1 em outubro de 1977. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Collserola #20022011004
Mountain Bike, ou Bicicleta de Montanha, é um tipo de bicicleta usado no Mountain Biking, uma modalidade de ciclismo na qual o objetivo é transpor percursos com diversas irregularidades e obstáculos. Em alguns países de língua latina o esporte é chamado de Bicicleta todo terreno ou BTT (que significa Bicicleta Todo o Terreno). No Brasil é chamado popularmente de Mountain Bike, eventualmente de Ciclismo de Montanha ou Mountain Biking e comumente abreviado como MTB ou esporadicamente como BTT, sendo esta abreviatura a mais usada em Portugal e nos restantes países lusófonos. O Mountain Bike é praticado em estradas de terra, trilhas de fazendas, trilhas em montanhas e dentro de parques e até na Cidade. Mountain Bike é um esporte que envolve resistência, destreza, concentração e auto-suficiência. Como é comum a prática do esporte em locais isolados, o aspecto de auto-suficiência é importante para que o ciclista consiga realizar pequenos reparos em sua bicicleta, e concentração por ser um esporte que exige muito do psicológico para enfrentar os diversos obstáculos. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Badalona #1275
La bicicleta de montaña o bici de montaña (en inglés, mountain bike, MTB) es un tipo de bicicleta diseñada para viajes en montañas o campos. Se le denomina, en castellano, bicicleta todo terreno (BTT) (del francés: Vélo Tout Terrain (VTT), o bicicleta montañera, como se le conoce en Perú, República Dominicana y en otros países hispanoamericanos. La bicicleta de doble suspensión representa el más importante avance del ciclismo en el siglo pasado; ya que proporciona a los ciclistas la posibilidad de llegar a lugares que en otro tiempo se consideraban inaccesibles para dicho vehículo. Mejorando la maniobrabilidad y control en terrenos irregulares, A través de ella han aparecido nuevas modalidades de ciclismo, acercándola hacia el campo de los deportes extremos. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Grandvalira #047
A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated Mtn Bike, MTB; or ATB, for all-terrain bicycle) is a bicycle designed for off-road cycling. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain. These typically include suspension on the frame and fork, large knobby tires, more durable heavy duty wheels, more powerful brakes, and lower gear ratios needed for steep grades with poor traction. Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. Since the development of the sport in the 1970s many new subtypes of mountain biking have developed, such as cross-country (XC) biking, all-day endurance biking, Freeride-biking, downhill mountain biking, and a variety of track and slalom competitions. Each of these place different demands on the bike requiring different designs for optimal performance. MTB development has included an increase in suspension, typically up to 8" or 203mm, and gearing, up to 30 speeds, to facilitate both climbing and rapid descents. However, advancements in sprocket design has recently led to the "1x (pronounced one by)" trend, simplifying the gearing to one Chainring/Sprocket in the front and multiple sprockets on the rear of the drive train, more commonly, 9, 10 or 11 . ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Badalona GOPRO #0016
La bicicleta de montaña o bici de montaña (en inglés, mountain bike, MTB) es un tipo de bicicleta diseñada para viajes en montañas o campos. Se le denomina, en castellano, bicicleta todo terreno (BTT) (del francés: Vélo Tout Terrain (VTT), o bicicleta montañera, como se le conoce en Perú, República Dominicana y en otros países hispanoamericanos. La bicicleta de doble suspensión representa el más importante avance del ciclismo en el siglo pasado; ya que proporciona a los ciclistas la posibilidad de llegar a lugares que en otro tiempo se consideraban inaccesibles para dicho vehículo. Mejorando la maniobrabilidad y control en terrenos irregulares, A través de ella han aparecido nuevas modalidades de ciclismo, acercándola hacia el campo de los deportes extremos. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Bike Park La Molina Grandvalira Descenso Downhill 11
A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated Mtn Bike, MTB; or ATB, for all-terrain bicycle) is a bicycle designed for off-road cycling. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain. These typically include suspension on the frame and fork, large knobby tires, more durable heavy duty wheels, more powerful brakes, and lower gear ratios needed for steep grades with poor traction. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Maçanet de Cabrenys GOPRO #0014
A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated Mtn Bike, MTB; or ATB, for all-terrain bicycle) is a bicycle designed for off-road cycling. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain. These typically include suspension on the frame and fork, large knobby tires, more durable heavy duty wheels, more powerful brakes, and lower gear ratios needed for steep grades with poor traction. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Collserola 16509 009
Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. Since the development of the sport in the 1970s many new subtypes of mountain biking have developed, such as cross-country (XC) biking, all-day endurance biking, Freeride-biking, downhill mountain biking, and a variety of track and slalom competitions. Each of these place different demands on the bike requiring different designs for optimal performance. MTB development has included an increase in suspension, typically up to 8" or 203mm, and gearing, up to 30 speeds, to facilitate both climbing and rapid descents. However, advancements in sprocket design has recently led to the "1x (pronounced one by)" trend, simplifying the gearing to one Chainring/Sprocket in the front and multiple sprockets on the rear of the drive train, more commonly, 9, 10 or 11 . ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Collserola #16509 003
Mountain biking The original mountain bikes were modified heavy cruiser bicycles used for freewheeling down mountain trails. The sport became popular in the 1970s in Northern California, USA with riders using older single speed balloon tire bicycles to ride down rugged hillsides.[1] Joe Breeze, a bicycle frame builder, used this idea and developed what is considered the first mountain bike.[2] The 2006 documentary film, Klunkerz: A Film About Mountain Bikes, looks at this period of off-road cycling in detail. However, it was not until the late 1970s and early 1980s that road bicycle companies started to manufacture mountain bicycles using high-tech lightweight materials, such as M4 aluminium. The first production Mountain bike available was the 1979 Lawwill Pro Cruiser.[3] One of the bikes that bridged the gap between BMX bikes and mountain bikes. The frame design was based on a frame that Don Koski fabricated from electrical conduit and a Schwinn Varsity frame. Mert Lawwill had Terry Knight of Oakland build the frames. The bikes sold for about $500 new and were made from 1979 though 1980 (approximate run of 600 bikes).The first mass production mountain bike was the Specialized Stumpjumper, first produced in 1981.[4] Throughout the 1990s and 2000s, mountain biking moved from a little-known sport to a mainstream activity complete with an international racing circuit and a world championship, in addition to various freeride competitions, such as the FMB World Tour and the infamous Red Bull Rampage. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Cervia de las Garrigas GOPRO #0010
A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated Mtn Bike, MTB; or ATB, for all-terrain bicycle) is a bicycle designed for off-road cycling. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain. These typically include suspension on the frame and fork, large knobby tires, more durable heavy duty wheels, more powerful brakes, and lower gear ratios needed for steep grades with poor traction. Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. Since the development of the sport in the 1970s many new subtypes of mountain biking have developed, such as cross-country (XC) biking, all-day endurance biking, Freeride-biking, downhill mountain biking, and a variety of track and slalom competitions. Each of these place different demands on the bike requiring different designs for optimal performance. MTB development has included an increase in suspension, typically up to 8" or 203mm, and gearing, up to 30 speeds, to facilitate both climbing and rapid descents. However, advancements in sprocket design has recently led to the "1x (pronounced one by)" trend, simplifying the gearing to one Chainring/Sprocket in the front and multiple sprockets on the rear of the drive train, more commonly, 9, 10 or 11 . ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Badalona #07032011034
Mountain Bike, ou Bicicleta de Montanha, é um tipo de bicicleta usado no Mountain Biking, uma modalidade de ciclismo na qual o objetivo é transpor percursos com diversas irregularidades e obstáculos. Em alguns países de língua latina o esporte é chamado de Bicicleta todo terreno ou BTT (que significa Bicicleta Todo o Terreno). No Brasil é chamado popularmente de Mountain Bike, eventualmente de Ciclismo de Montanha ou Mountain Biking e comumente abreviado como MTB ou esporadicamente como BTT, sendo esta abreviatura a mais usada em Portugal e nos restantes países lusófonos. O Mountain Bike é praticado em estradas de terra, trilhas de fazendas, trilhas em montanhas e dentro de parques e até na Cidade. Mountain Bike é um esporte que envolve resistência, destreza, concentração e auto-suficiência. Como é comum a prática do esporte em locais isolados, o aspecto de auto-suficiência é importante para que o ciclista consiga realizar pequenos reparos em sua bicicleta, e concentração por ser um esporte que exige muito do psicológico para enfrentar os diversos obstáculos. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike Collserola #16509 010
Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook:

Mountain Bike La Caida y el Salto en la Fenasosa en el Parque Natural de la Sierra Mariola Alicante
A mountain bike or mountain bicycle (abbreviated Mtn Bike, MTB; or ATB, for all-terrain bicycle) is a bicycle designed for off-road cycling. Mountain bikes share similarities with other bikes, but incorporate features designed to enhance durability and performance in rough terrain. These typically include suspension on the frame and fork, large knobby tires, more durable heavy duty wheels, more powerful brakes, and lower gear ratios needed for steep grades with poor traction. Mountain bikes are typically ridden on mountain trails, fire roads, logging roads, single tracks and other unpaved environments. These types of terrain commonly include rocks, washouts, ruts, loose sand, loose gravel, roots, and steep grades (both inclines and declines). Mountain bikes are built to handle this terrain and the obstacles that are found in it like logs, vertical drop offs, and smaller boulders. ++++++++++ Best Network wins more money with your youtube channel CPM of $ 3 to $ 30, and in my channel I've seen higher of $ 30 per 1000 views :) and pays 70% more than other networks Las mejores Network Gana Mas dinero con tu canal de youtube CPM de $ 3 a $ 30, y en mi canal lo he visto mas alto de $30 por cada 1000 vistas :) y paga 70% mas que en otras networks 1st) Zoomin TV 70%: Of the five networks Zoomin TV is the best CPM Very high 1º) Zoomin TV 70%: De las cinco networks Zoomin TV es la mejor CPM Muy altos 2st) Scalelab 70%: I readily accept 2ª) Scalelab : Te aceptan con facilidad 3nd) GT Channel 70%: You accept easily 3ª) GT Channel : Te aceptan con facilidad 4rd) Freedom 60%: You accept easily 4ª) Freedom : Te aceptan con facilidad 5th) Recstudios 70%: You have to have 200 daily views on your channel for you to accept 5ª) Recstudios : Tienes que tener 200 vistas diarias en tu canal para que te acepten +++++++++++ Give Like and comment on video costs nothing, and yet it does not seem, is helpful;) and not forget subscribe THANK YOU! NewsTecnologiaNews: TheMunSession: Technology-Mun: TheMunSessionBlogs: Facebook: