Buster - Taking the Fight to the Competition | eGarage Ingles Reportaje AUTO Motorsport

Buster - Taking the Fight to the Competition | eGarage Ingles Reportaje AUTO Motorsport

Buster - Taking the Fight to the Competition | eGarage by eGarage

Nuestros amigos en Jacksonville, Brumos Porsche, son los orgullosos propietarios de esta emblemática carrera de 1968 de la fábrica Porsche transportador. Apodado "Buster", este transportista de Mercedes - originalmente convertido de un autobús de pasajeros - es uno de los dos que Porsche utiliza para tomar muchos de sus coches de carreras emblemáticas de la pista. A partir de la década de 917 en los años sesenta y setenta, a 911 RSR de y de 956 en los años ochenta, este vehículo de origen humilde se convirtió en parte de la leyenda del Porsche.

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Our friends in Jacksonville, Brumos Porsche, are the proud owners of this iconic 1968 Porsche factory race transporter. Nicknamed "Buster", this Mercedes hauler - originally converted from a passenger bus - is one of two that Porsche used to take many of their iconic race cars to the track. From the 917's in the sixties and seventies, to 911 RSR's and 956's in the eighties, this vehicle of humble beginnings became part of Porsche legend.


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Buster - Taking the Fight to the Competition

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